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The faculty board of the Master in Architecture and Health is made up of:

Caterina Frisone (Architecture), Vittorio Selle (Medicine), Mauro Strada (Engineering), Valeria Tatano (Architectural Technology), Margherita Vanore (Urban Project)

Caterina Frisone

Caterina Frisone

is the creator and director of the Master in Architettura e Salute, a course she designed following five years experience (2017-2022) of healthcare in England. PhD in Architecture of Care from Oxford Brookes University, she verified the hypotheses of her research by visiting hospitals and healthcare facilities across the country and living for four months in three different Maggie’s Centres (cancer care centres) where she carried out her ‘fieldwork’, personally testing the therapeutic role that high-quality architecture has on people. She has held architectural design courses in Italy, the United States and the United Kingdom with particular attention to sensorial experience through “dioramas” or 3D models of perceptive, atmospheric and emotional representation. Exploring this theme and investigating the interdisciplinarity between architecture and neuroscience, her upcoming book “The Therapeutic Power of Maggie’s Centre” (Routledge, 2024) aims to inspire architects, doctors, students, and all those who research the relationship between architecture and health.


Vittorio Selle

Vittorio Selle

has been Director of the SISP Complex Operational Unit – Hygiene and Public Health Service since 2005 and Director of the Prevention Department of ASL 3 Serenissima since 2022. He was deputy director of the Belluno Hospital (1992-97), medical director of the Adria Hospital (1997-2000), medical director of Ulss6 of Vicenza (2000-2003), head of the Primary Care Unit for Ulss12 of Venice (2004-2005) and interim medical director of the Civil Hospital of Venice of Ulss12 (2005-08) and Director of the Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health Service of Ulss12 of Venice, again since 2005, managing (planning and designing) in this role the main activities to combat Covid 19. As a teacher he held training courses, among others, for general practitioners for Ulss12 (1992-95) and for health workers for Ulss10 (1999). He is the author of more than 70 publications (1987-23) in the field of public health and the organisation of health services.


Mauro Strada

Mauro Strada

has been Technical Director and Special Attorney of Manens Spa since 2023, former President, Technical Director and Legal Representative of Steam Srl. Having graduated in Mechanical Engineering in Padua in 1974, he boasts a long and happy university career which began at the Institute of Technical Physics of Faculty of Engineering in Padua and concluded at the Department of Architectural Constructions of the Universita’ Iuav di Venezia where he was Full Professor until 2010. He is the author of over 180 scientific publications and has been a speaker at several international scientific conferences. As a designer he has built numerous hospitals throughout Italy and was Director of works for the construction of the New Hospital of Monselice – Este, the construction of the hybrid operating rooms and other renovation works of the current Polyclinic of Padua.


Valeria Tatano

Valeria Tatano

architect, PhD, full professor of Architectural Technology at the Department of Design Cultures of the Iuav University of Venice, where she teaches technological subjects and ‘Technologies of building recovery and inclusive design’ at the School of Specialisation in Architectural Heritage and of the Landscape. She deals with inclusive design and innovative technologies in the relationship between architecture and technology, in particular with regards to the themes of conscious design. She is the scientific director of ArTec, the Archive of techniques and materials for architecture and industrial design of the IUAV Laboratory System and delegate of the Rector for policies and actions relating to inclusion, disability and sustainability.


Magherita Vanore

Margherita Vanore

architect and PhD, she is full professor of Architectural and Urban Design at the Universita; Iuav di Venezia, where she teaches in the year 3 and master degree courses in Architecture and for the SSIBAP School of Specialisation in Architectural Heritage and Landscape. She carries out research on projects for the contemporary city, landscape and historical-cultural heritage. From 2017 to 2020 she was the scientific director of the Iuav research unit for the Project of Significant National Interest PRIN 2015 The city as care and the care of the city. In the Department of Excellence of Project Culture, for the IR.IDE Research Infrastructure, she has coordinated the PRIDE_Pro Research in Integral Design Environment laboratory since 2018.

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