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Architecture and Health, a series of panel discussions in Venice

Ospedale civico Venezia
Civic Hospital, Venice

16 June 2024

Article from the ioARCH online magazine

Aimed at initiating a dialogue between architects and engineers with physicians, managers and healthcare professionals to improve the future design of healthcare facilities, a series of round table discussions on Architecture and Healthcare, organised by Caterina Frisone and Massimo Zuin, began on Thursday 20 June at the San Domenico hall of the Ss. Giovanni e Paolo hospital in Venice.

The meetings aim to publicise the work undertaken by the new 2nd level Master’s in Architecture and Health at the Iuav University of Venice, activated in collaboration and with the support of Ulss3 Serenissima, Veneta Sanitaria Finanza di Progetto, Fondazione Villa Salus and numerous private companies in the sector.

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See the panel discussion programme >

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