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Ospedale Civile Venezia

International conference

the future of the architectural project
for health

curated by Caterina Frisone
Launch conference of the Università Iuav di Venezia post-graduate programme ‘Master in Architettura e Salute’

Venice, 30 November 2023
San Domenico Hall
Ss. Giovanni e Paolo Hospital, Venice

On Thursday 30 November 2023, The Future of the Architectural Project for Health conference was held at the Santi Giovanni e Paolo Hospital in Venice. The main objective was to present the new post-graduate master’s programme in Architecture and Health offered by the Iuav University of Venice, and to publicise the work currently under way in the national and international healthcare sector.

With the aim of specialising architects and engineers in the design, construction and management of hospital and social-health facilities, while focusing on their integration with the city and the therapeutic qualities of urban spaces, the course offers an educational programme that addresses specific emergencies with a holistic and multidisciplinary approach. It is a response to the needs and innovation processes of healthcare, prevention and support for vulnerable people during rehabilitation phases and for the general improvement of their quality of life.

The conference and the master’s programme are the result of the partnership between Iuav University and Ulss3 Serenissima, and benefit from the support of VSFP and numerous companies operating in the healthcare sector.

The conference was organised by Caterina Frisone, Scientific Director of the Master’s in Architecture and Health, Iuav University of Venice. For more information:

Guided tour of the Ospedale dell’Angelo hospital in Mestre with the participants of The Future of the Architecture Project for Health conference, 1 December 2023.

with the support of

Comune di Venezia
Ordine degli Architetti PPC
della Provincia di Venezia
Ordine degli Ingegneri
della Città Metropolitana di Venezia
Ordine Provinciale dei Medici Chirurghi
e degli Odontoiatri di Venezia
OICE – Organizzazioni di Ingegneria
e di Consulenza
IOV Istituto Oncologico Veneto – IRCCS

sponsored by

Ulss3 Serenissima
Università Iuav di Venezia
Veneta Sanitaria Finanza di Progetto
AGM Project Consulting
Ascom UMS
CMB Building Innovation
Carron SpA

with the organizational support of

Fondazione Iuav

moderated by

The board of course lecturers

in collaboration with

Ordine degli Architetti PPC della Provincia di Venezia
Participants in the conference will be awarded 7 CFP (Vocational Training Credits)

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