Towards a Safe and Sustainable Hospital
Adapt or rebuild?
Thursday 18 July, 19.00
In deciding between the possible strategies of adapting or rebuilding the hospital to be adopted in future hospital planning, the relative pros and cons emerge. Considering that, behind it, there is a precise health planning, among the factors that make one or the other choice decide are: the state of the structures, the time available, the need to adapt to new regulations and technologies, the optimisation of human resources, the economic aspect, as well as the political ambitions of the politicians in office and the will of the community. At the same time, other aspects must be taken into consideration, such as, in the decommissioning, the increase in the building stock to be managed – which, in the future, we would not know how to use – and, if demolition is carried out, the major inconvenience of ‘finding ourselves with a black hole inside the city’. Among the many reasons that push for adaptation rather than demolition and reconstruction, there are in fact issues related to the historical heritage in which Italian hospitals are often located, for which we find ourselves faced with the constraints of the Superintendencies that translate into the impossibility of demolishing and, at the same time, great difficulty in inserting complex technologies in listed buildings. Ultimately, the choice for one strategy or another depends on the analysis that the health authority must carry out by relying on designers who, together with the medical-health management, will have to understand how to optimise all the resources available. In the future, in a continuous process of reducing the workload of hospitals and investing in domestic communities with telemedicine and tele-monitoring, both paths will be taken, with the new technologically advanced hospital only for acute patients located outside the city and the facilities for non-acute patients closer to the citizen. An example of this is the future hospital network of the city of Padua: the new, technologically advanced hospital in East Padua and the historic civic hospital in the city centre.

Silvia Eugenia Bennici specialised in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine in Padua in 2021 and works at the Medical Directorate of the University Hospital of Padua. Among other responsibilities, she is the organisational manager of the Company Coordination Group for the definition of the functional health elements for the design of the New Hospital of Padua, with participation in all the Thematic Groups. With similar methods she was also involved in the renovation of the Giustiniani Centre (Technical-economic feasibility project – Multipurpose Building; pre-feasibility – Mother and Child Hospital).
Peter Casagrande is the Director of Technical and Patrimonial Services of the Azienda Ulss3 Serenissima. After graduating in Civil Engineering in Padua, he was the Technical Office Manager of Ulss15 of San Donà di Piave (1991-2016) and of Ulss17 of Conegliano then unified into Ulss2 of Treviso (1996-2023). Since 2023, for Ulss3, he has been involved in many projects related to the PNRR, including the expansion of the Ospedale dell’Angelo known as “Angelino” and the renovation of the Ss. Giovanni e Paolo hospital which includes the New Technological Centre and the restoration of the Mendicanti North pavilion. He is a lecturer on the Master in Architettura e Salute with the course on ‘Technical-administrative testing’ and ‘Project documents. Public design call’.
Paolo Fattori is Director of the Hospital Construction Department for Collective Purposes of the Veneto Region. After graduating in Civil Engineering (2000), he specialised with a PM course at SDA Bocconi in Milan (2017) and a management training course for General Managers at Fondazione SSP in Padua (2021). He was the director of several public bodies and Aulss Veneto health facilities before being appointed director at the Regional Government (2018) where he works to enhance the Region’s healthcare, socio-health and social real estate assets. Since 2023, he has been following the progress of the Master in Architettura e Salute, considering it useful for the development of healthcare facilities in the Veneto region.
Mirco Giusti has been directing the UOC Technical Management of the New Hospital Complex “Padova Est – San Lazzaro” at the University Hospital of Padua since 2020. In this context, he has managed the procedural path: the pre-feasibility study, the development of the technical and economic feasibility project, the information path in derogation of the public debate, up to the preliminary services conference. For the Hospital Complex of Via Giustiniani, he has managed the development of the urban regeneration masterplan, providing for subsequent implementation phases (with a focus on pre-feasibility and Technical-economic feasibility projects for the Multipurpose Building; pre-feasibility for the Mother and Child Hospital), as well as the procedure aimed at designing a New Regional Centre for Paediatric Palliative Care.
Marzio Milana is a Medical Director at the Hospital Medical Management of the Ulss2 Marca Trevigiana Company. He graduated in Medicine specialising in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, and has published articles on various topics including allergic diseases due to climate change (2013), avoidable hospitalisations among migrants and ethnic minorities (2017) and participated in conferences on various dermatological diseases.
Giuseppe Olivi is an architect and Director of the Building and Safety Area of the University of Padua. His experience in hospital design and management has matured by working at an internationally renowned design firm, mainly dealing with construction management and management of relationships with contracting authorities. With the transition to client roles, for more than 20 years, he was a manager and director of the technical area at Ulss, Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova and IOV (Istituto Oncologico Veneto), where he managed the cycle of construction and plant engineering activities of the hospital and social-health real estate assets, from programming to the phases of assignment of works and engineering services up to the execution and operation of the works carried out.
Francesca Vendittelli is an architect at the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the metropolitan area of Venice and the provinces of Belluno, Padua and Treviso, carrying out activities of protection, promotion and enhancement of cultural heritage. Designer and Works Manager on behalf of the Administration, she has collaborated, as a freelancer, in the drafting of numerous consolidation projects with anti-seismic purposes and structural surveys and analyses regarding historic and monumental buildings.
Gianluca Vigne is the CEO and Technical Director of Areatecnica Srl, an engineering company with offices in Belluno, Trento, Milan and Taranto. He carries out professional design and research activities for complex works and programmes in various sectors, such as hospital engineering and technology, safety and fire prevention, technologies and energy management. Author of publications on construction techniques, speaker at the V European hospital conference, C.N.E.T.O. (National Centre for Hospital Construction and Technology), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, at the University of Pisa VGR Risk assessment and management, professor at the Master in Architettura e Salute with a course on hospital engineering and technology and fire safety and prevention. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Univeneto, a foundation that brings together the Universities of Padua, Ca’ Foscari, IUAV, Verona (ended in July 2024).
Mariano Carraro is in his second term as President of the Order of Engineers of Venice. A Civil and Environmental Engineer, he was Regional Secretary for the Environment of the Veneto Region (2010-2012) with responsibility for coordinating the activities of regional structures, in particular in the geological sector, soil protection, energy, school buildings, and civil protection. A profound expert on Venice, he has dealt with issues such as climate change, the Mose flood barrier, the future of the Venetiane Lagoon and the regeneration of the Port.